Friday, April 17, 2020

Water Hammer and Resonance: Essentials You Should Know

Have you noticed a strange, unpleasant sound when you flush the toilet? Or perhaps there’s a loud banging noise when you turn off the shower? Odd noises coming from your plumbing system may indicate damage to its components, so it’s important to deal with them promptly. Here Oak Plumbing, an expert in pipe leak repair in the area, discusses two potential causes of these noises–water hammer and resonance–along with effective ways to handle them.


Water Hammer

When water suddenly has no place to go, its momentum can exert enough force to push the valve open briefly. The loud banging sound that comes from your pipes after the fill valve has been shut off is known as water hammer. This can also cause rattling in the pipes, which then make the knocking noises you hear. Water hammer shouldn’t be considered a common occurrence in plumbing systems because the shock wave it creates can damage pipes and fittings, resulting in leakage.

How to Deal with Water Hammer. Shock absorbers are typically included in the plumbing system to reduce the force exerted by the water’s momentum. If yours doesn’t have them, you can shut off the water supply of your home at the water main, flush all the toilets and let the water drain from the faucets, then turn the water supply on again after about half an hour. You can also reduce the flow from shut off valves. If none of these options work, you can call your trusted plumbing repair company, Oak Plumbing, for the necessary solutions.

Water Resonance

The velocity of water passing through your pipes can cause them to resonate, shaking them enough to create a rapid banging noise. This usually happens during the fill process, like when you flush a toilet. Does the valve on the left side of your toilet tank have a floating cap? When this cap rises, the valve will close, altering the speed of the water. The vibration caused by the water flow will affect the resonance frequency of the pipes, allowing for that unpleasant noise.

Sewer line repair–we can also handle a variety of other plumbing issues in your home.

Expect only fast and effective plumbing solutions when you turn to Oak Plumbing. We serve the areas in and around Sacramento and Vacaville, CA. Call us today at (707) 448-3567 or fill out this contact form to schedule your evaluation.


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from Oak Plumbing

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